Anis Miladi, MD
Mohs Surgeon located in Norfolk, VA
About Dr. Miladi
Dr. Anis Miladi is our Mohs Surgeon and Director of Mohs Clinic.
Graduating from Wright State University and Boonshoft School of Medicine in Dayton, OH, he interned in internal medicine at the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, VA and began his service and practice as a Flight Surgeon with the Marines.
Dr. Miladi completed a residency in dermatology at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland and Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC before practicing medical dermatology at the Naval Hospital in Pensacola, FL while completing his Mohs Micrographic Surgery training.
He is currently practicing Mohs at the Naval Medical Center and serves Integrated Dermatology of Tidewater with Saturday Mohs surgeries.

Dr. Anis Miladi is our Mohs Surgeon and Director of Mohs Clinic.
Graduating from Wright State University and Boonshoft School of Medicine in Dayton, OH, he interned in internal medicine at the Naval Medical Center in Portsmouth, VA and began his service and practice as a Flight Surgeon with the Marines.
Dr. Miladi completed a residency in dermatology at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland and Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC before practicing medical dermatology at the Naval Hospital in Pensacola, FL while completing his Mohs Micrographic Surgery training.
He is currently practicing Mohs at the Naval Medical Center and serves Integrated Dermatology of Tidewater with Saturday Mohs surgeries.